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Sunday, February 7, 2010

"The Heirloom Gardener" Features Info on Drying Food and Saving Seeds

I'm a fan of "The Heirloom Gardener" magazine, but the new Winter 2010 issue has a couple articles of particular interest for preppers. I won't try to summarize them, but want to let you know about them.

One article is on drying fruits and vegetables, which you can do in your oven or in a dehydrator. There are several tips and do's and don'ts.

Another article discusses starting your own seed bank. This is a good idea because of the genetic modifications going on with numerous seeds. It goes beyond hybridization. Saving and storing seeds doesn't have to be complicated, but again there are pitfalls to avoid, such as moisture. Among tips discussed is how to store seeds in your freezer properly.

"The Heirloom Gardener" is published here in Missouri and is well worth the $12 per year subscription price. Check them out at http://www.theheirloomgardener.com/. The site has been updated, and you may be able to read these articles online. I hasten to add I have no vested interest in promoting the magazine. It's just a good gardening magazine I recommend.

Also, if you're looking for survival seeds prepackaged and vacuum sealed, Hometown Seeds has the lowest price I've seen at just under $35. Look for the Survival Seeds package at http://www.hometownseeds.com/ . Just a word of disclaimer. While I promote this company on my own blog, I make nothing from mentioning them here. I simply pass on the info for whatever it's worth.

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